Our Beliefs
We hold a high view of God and seek to worship Him and obey Him as He reveals Himself in His Word. We do not believe the purpose of the local church is to entertain or to imitate the world, but is a place to worship our Lord and to provide instruction, fellowship, and encouragement for the members for their ministry in their families and community (Eph. 4:11-15; Acts 2:40-42).
Below is a summary of our beliefs. A detailed doctrinal statement can be downloaded, or e-mailed upon request.
We believe in:
Below is a summary of our beliefs. A detailed doctrinal statement can be downloaded, or e-mailed upon request.
We believe in:
- The plenary, verbal inspiration, infallibility, inerrancy and authority of the Bible, which is the Word of God.
- The deity of Christ, including His pre-existence and externality.
- The miraculous conception and virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ
- His vicarious substitutionary atoning death for His elect, and His bodily resurrection.
- Salvation by grace alone through faith alone, in Christ alone
- The absolute necessity of the new birth
- Repentance and faith evidencing the new life
- Justification by faith alone without works.
- Sanctification: positional, progressive, and complete
- The perseverance and eternal preservation of the saints
- The eternal purpose of God in election
- The freeness of salvation.
- The Biblical command to separate entirely from worldly and sinful pleasures, practices, and associations; from all forms of religious and ecclesiastical apostasy.
- The resurrection; the personal, premillennial, pre-tribulational return of Christ for the church; His revelation with the church at the end of the Great Tribulation; and His thousand-year reign on the earth.
For more detail, download our church constitution, below:

gfbc_constitution.pdf |